United Parish of Bowie (UPB)
Sunday Service: 10:00 AM
United Parish of Bowie (UPB)
Sunday Service: 10:00 AM
2515 Mitchellville Road Bowie, MD
UPB provides many opportunities to join together to share our faith and connect more closely with one another. Please see the calendar for specific dates/times for the activities.
Book Club
The UPB Book Club meets on the 1st Friday of each month. Individual Club members propose book titles for the group to agree upon. The titles comprise a wide variety of genres, and include both fiction and non-fiction works.
The Book Club is always seeking new members and book suggestions. Come join us!
Chat & Chew
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, all are invited to enjoy light snacks and beverages as part of the post-service fellowship in the narthex. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet newcomers, share each other's company, and catch up on the latest developments in our lives.
UPB members whose last names begin with "A" to "G" are asked to bring refreshements on the 2nd Sunday of each month, while those with last name "H" to "Z" are requested to contribute on the 4th Sunday of each month.
On the Sundays without Chat & Chew, Coffee, Tea, and other Beverages are available for the post-service fellowship.
Ladies' Luncheons
The UPB Ladies' Luncheons occur on the 2nd Friday of each month. These luncheons provide women of all ages a gathering opportunity to socialize and provide one another moral support.
Ladies' Night Out
Ladies' Night out takes place on the 4th Thursday of each month, typically at a local restaurant. This fellowship opportunity enables women of all ages to decompress from the challenges of daily life, share developments in their lives, and collectively inspire one another.
Men's Breakfasts
The UPB Men's Breakfasts occur on the 4th Thursday of each month. These breakfasts allow men to assemble to jointly give thanks to God, and strengthen their relationships with one another. This re-fueling process gives them the spiritual energy to approach the day ahead.
Men's Night Out
Men's Night out takes place at a local restaurant on the 3rd Thursday of each month. This outing provides an atmosphere of relaxation and camaraderie. The setting also affords men an opportunity to discuss various current events and freely order nutritionally-deficient menu items.
Kick-off Sunday
Each September, UPB spends a Sunday afternoon to celebrate the kick-off of the new church year. Following the Sunday service, UPB has a cookout and a festival complete with games and music. Everyone in the community is invited to participate in the celebration.